

Start together with energy in flow

Energy & Dynamic
What can you expect from my workshops?

My workshops are about initiating profound changes. We develop a strategy that will push you, your team and your business along and pinpoint individual tools to implement your new perspectives into your private and professional life. We use trusted topics or create content tailored to the personal situation of our participants. In engaging, interactive processes we free our minds, bodies and emotions and let our energy flow.
Get in touch

Work in Flow

The workshop itself is pure flow because it includes all elements of life experience: rational, physical, emotional and energetic. Learn:
  • What it means for you personally to be in a state of flow
  • What you can do to be more in the flow of business and personal life
  • How to get out of the classic work-life balance into a more fluid way of living and working
  • How to exceed the limitations of your thinking routines and gain a more holistic life experience
  • How to access and act upon your individual strengths
Experience a colorful mix - experience the flow! 
Let's talk

More popular topics:

  • Stress Management

    Today is packed with lots of external impulses and demands. Unfortunately, most of the time our system reacts with antique patterns and behaviors (fight, flight, freeze) and we feel overwhelmed, like running in a hamster wheel, we have trouble sleeping and other physical symptoms.


    Usually we are used to solving everything with our strong ratio and we are forcing us to relax. We define priorities and manage to be disciplined for a short period of time. However, often we only get short-term release and quickly fall back into old habits.

    In this workshop, we uncover the root causes of stress to bring about lasting change. Because only if we fundamentally start to change the things that define us, we start to change.


    Experience eye-opening moments in mind, body and in your emotions that shake up your whole system - for real and profound change. Learn to use your system beyond ratio and to use your energy efficiently and purposefully. Actively shape your life while finding satisfaction and inner peace.



    • Modern understanding of stress

    • How much stress is healthy?

    • Sleep better

    • We can control only what we know

    • Self-image mind, body, emotions, energy

    • Inner drivers and beliefs as stress enhancers

    • Take control vs. react to control

    • Efficient energy management

    • Techniques for realistic and feasible stress management

  • Communication

    My communication workshop includes:


    • Inhibiting and promoting communication techniques

    • Your attitude - how your counterpart feels your true self

    • Stay relaxed in misunderstandings, difficulties and resistances

    • Better arguing: be clear, convincing, confident and superior - even in difficult conversations

    • Said is not heard: Discussion patterns and better listening

    • Get to know your communication style. Self-assessment and external perception.

  • Focus

    We all strive for more focus . "I have to stay focused” is a common phrase, but do we know how to achieve better focus and what it's all about? And how is it possible in a complex world, where our mobile phones constantly try to distract us?


    In my workshop, we explore what it takes to get more focused and how to fundamentally and positively influence our daily lives.


    Together we explore:

    • Why focus is important

    • What you can do to focus better and sustainably

    • How to recognize if you lose focus

    • What may be holding you back you from focussing

    • What you should/want to focus on

    • What it takes to live this focus for you


    Come join or book my workshop for a unique mix of mind, body and energy. Together we grow!

Portrait von Antje, einer zufriedenen Klientin
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Professional & Personal

"Jana supported our team in a challenging transition phase with valuable individual coaching sessions and a workshop. Based on individual coachings, Jana developed targeted measures and starting points for improvement. She worked out a helpful overview in the complex environment, so that we were able to work out specific actions and measures for the team and each individual in the workshop. Thanks to her positive nature, her drive and human sensitivity, the process was always professional, efficient and at the same time very personal. For our team the cooperation was a great success and has brought us a big step forward - not just as a team, but also as individual professionals. Thanks, Jana, for the great cooperation. We are more than happy to recommend you!“
Hendrik Dettmann
Director eCommerce
[ Unilever ]
Logo von Asklepios, einem zufriedenen Firmen-Klienten
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Workshops that actually work

"Ms. Wieskötter communicated "self-care and resilience" for the participants with charm and humor. Her introduction of stress-reducing measures and how to use your resources has been very helpful for all participants and supported them to developed strategies to prevent and intervene stressful disorders. Thanks for the engaging and relaxed lessons!“
Madeleine Höner to Siederdissen [Asklepios-Klinik]
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